Octal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Octal Conversion

Hexadecimal to Octal Conversion

Conversion of hexadecimal to octal cannot be done directly. Firstly we need to convert hexadecimal into its equivalent decimal number then decimal to octal. Follow the steps below to understand the process.

Another Method to Convert Hex to Octal

There is an another method to convert any hexadecimal to its equivalent octal. As we know hexadecimal numbers include binary digits, therefore we can club these binary numbers into pair of three so that we can relate it with the octal numbers. Let us check the method with steps and example:

Here we discussed about the second method which is comparetively easier than the first method


Hexadecimal to Octal Convertion :
1) (500)16 = (?)8
2) (2DC5)16 = (?)8
3) (8B3)16 = (?)8
4) (4587)16 = (?)8
5) (AB9)16 = (?)8
6) (6FC)16 = (?)8
7) (6678)16 = (?)8
8) (ED55)16 = (?)8
9) (76F)16 = (?)8
10) (BCD)16 = (?)8
11) (50A)16 = (?)8

Method for Octal to Hexadecimal Conversion

This conversion can be done by following the same method of Hex to Octal conversion but in reverse way. To understand this follow our lecture.


Octal to Binary COnvertion :
1) (500)8 = (?)16
2) (2555)8 = (?)16
3) (1500)8 = (?)16
4) (113)8 = (?)16
5) (71)8 = (?)16
6) (105)8 = (?)16
7) (211)8 = (?)16
8) (110)8 = (?)16
9) (46)8 = (?)16
10)(21)8 = (?)16
11)(121)8 = (?)16